Yay! Kickstarter starts in February!

TL;DR: The Ignis Universia sequel, Awakening of the Erudite Empress, is coming back to Kickstarter on February 1st! Follow the project to give us some of that sweet algorithm juice: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/randompotion/ignis-universia

What Has Changed?

Yes, we already tried Kickstarter in the summer and fell short of the funding goal pretty significantly, so why do we believe we'll make it this time? 

There are several things that have changed in the past few months, the most notable being that the game is a lot closer to completion than it was back then. We received a lot of feedback from the demo during the Kickstarter and the subsequent Steam Next Fest and adjusted the design accordingly (here's some more info on that). The design is now much more concise and aligned with the Chosen Sisters Saga. That allows us to go for a shorter playtime and along with the work done on the game during the latter half of the year, a considerably lower funding goal. With more time to iterate on the design, we're also able to convey better what we're aiming for with the game, something that became clearer since last time. 

Even though we didn't reach the funding goal with Kickstarter, it still did wonders with our exposure, and we're in a much better place with our visibility going into the new campaign.

Action Points!

Help out an indie developer create a game that publishers are reluctant to sign and Steam algorithms shun: a relatively small, narrative turn-based game with a cast of four feisty females!

  • Follow the project on Kickstarter (yes, it's the same link as before)
  • Wishlist on Steam
  • If you're a content creator, tell your followers about the game and get in contact with us!
  • The same goes, of course, if you're working on a similar game: let's see if we can help each other!
  • Share this post via those small buttons at the top
  • Follow us on social media! (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok)

Ps. We are soon sharing our new demo on Itch but meanwhile you can play it in The Big Adventure Event that started 20th Jan.

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