The Ignis Universia Sequel Is Now Known as Spa of Destiny!

Hello, everyone!

It's been a LOOOONG time but believe it or not, the sequel to Ignis Universia is not dead! In fact, we just announced a new name for it! 

Give a big hand to Ignis Universia: Spa of Destiny!

I mean, "Awakening of the Erudite Empress" was quite a mouthful, wasn't it? All in all, the game itself hasn't changed much and the story changes that warranted the new name were in parts not yet revealed. Now, the development is progressing at a steady pace, and we'll have new things to show regularly. We'll post the news here too, of course!

We will have the game on sale here on Itch too, but at the moment, the best way to support us is to wishlist it at Steam:

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