Ignis Universia is now live on Kickstarter - check our campaign page and play the new demo!

Our Kickstarter campaign is up and running! If you haven’t visited the campaign page yet, please visit now: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/randompotion/ignis-universia

We also got a Project We Love Badge! You can watch a gameplay video of the demo here!

To those who have already backed us we want to say thanks a bunch! All the support means lot to us because when you do a Kickstarter campaign, you'll have many sleepless nights and lots of extra hours on top of game development. If you are not sure yet, please check our social goals! All the shares help us a lot to get closer to our goal - and new side quest! 

Last but not least, what we like in Kickstarter and also being an indie developer is that it gives us a chance to encage with players earlier and we can also be transparent about our plans. If you have comments on this campaign or feedback on the demo or you just want to say hi, join our Discord or send us a message!

Thanks for your support!

The Devs

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